Hello there dear reader of the newly created How Good Chronicles my Name is Shaye Fox and i am one of the new contributors to this cool new website so i thought it would be polite to introduce myself and tell you guys what I'm going to be doing here cool beans alright cool beans
So as said before my name is Shaye Fox I'm 25 years old, a lifelong music and movie fan and since 2019 i have been lucky enough to film hundreds of music gigs all over NSW with my Videography company DMWC Films

Through doing videography I've been able to film gigs from a wide Range of Genre's From Punk to whatever the heck Harsh Noise Wall is I've been able to film in cool places such as The Vale Bar, The Crowbar to Alley ways and literally under a bridge once
Using my connections in the Scene I've been able to make Two Feature Length Documentaries Called Unearthing The Underground Vol 1&2 which were well received and which you can see bellow
Unearthing The Underground Vol 1
Unearthing The Underground Vol 2 (Coming To DVD and YouTube Soon)
So Now after finishing UTU Vol 2 i was asked about contributing to the website and i jumped at the opportunity to do something new So Now To Answer WTF am i planning on contributing to this website well to answer that is reviews on Gigs ive been to , New Music and old music reviews, Full Edited Gigs/ Documentary Films that I put up on my YouTube Page , Band Interviews and a podcast project That Im Brewing up called THE MIDNIGHT KEBAB CLUB which more info will be out soon
So I hope that you guys will Enjoy my Contributions to the site as i am looking forward to making them if you would like to see some of my Gigs that i've filmed or need a gig filmed please hit me up on my Socials bellow
Peace Out
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DMWCFilms
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DMWCFilms
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dmwc_films/